Tales From the Crypt Wiki
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Carlton Webster was a old millionaire in the episode "The Switch".

Early Life

Webster was very attracted by a young woman named Linda. Fearing the possibility that she is opportunist and wants only his money, he induct her to believe that he is modest status. However, when he proposes her to become his wife, she refuse considering that Carlton was like a grand-father for her, demonstrating that she was not opportunist. Determined to erase his old age for to live with her, he contact Dr.Thorne, specialized into plastic surgeon. However, his demand was surrealistic for the doctor who gide him to another doctor reputated for illegal operation. The mad doctor justified that the price was high for to pay a young man named Hans voluntary for exchange face and for to obtain his fortune. However, his new face give a grotesque and morbid impression similar to a wax model. Linda was also shocked to see that his young face was in total contrast with his old body. Not resignated to abandon her, he recontact the doctor who insist on a new high price for exchange body with Hans. Carlton obtain a new sculptural body and attract Linda judging him sexy...until that she see his old legs. Carlton's exaggerated money expenses urges his domestic Fulton to resign. Carlton demand a last operation for to be totally young. The doctor insist that Carlton paid with all his own fortune if he want also obtain performing genitals. Happy to be totally young, he comes to visit Linda at her appartment. However, she had moved into another home, married with the new old millionaire Hans and had recruted Fulton as domestic, demonstratic her opportunist face to Carlton's shock.

Behind the Scenes
