Tales From the Crypt Wiki
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Hamlet (real name unknown) was a false actor and a dangerous serial killer in the episode "Top Billing".

Early Life[]

Obssessed by Hamlet, he was the main actor to Nelson Halliwell who direct a representation into a glaucous theater and envoy cast annoucment into casting agence. It was read by Barry Blye, an aspiring actor, dreaming of great role in theater. However refused by others castings, pretexting that he was disgracious and himself refuse to play into spot oublicity. He was also in conflict with Winton Robbins, an old friend, arrogant, vain and opportunist actor interested only by money and win most roles that him. When his frustrated girlfriend Lisa broke their relationship for another man and that he was fired of their appartement for no respected debt, he choose to spent this cast for to play Hamlet. However, Winton wins the role to his jealousy. Winston remarks a strange thing on the label of Hamlet's suit before to be deathly strangleg by his rival. Hidden the bodie, Barry heard a telephone bell coming from a locked door. Noticing that nobody comes to take down, he does not realize that a motionless person is close to the combined. He return to see Nelson, pretexting that Winton left by fear of having the pamphlet. Also, Barry was recruted for the role. Into the costum room, his joy was prevented when Winton affirm that his role is not Hamlet...


In reality, he was recruted for to play Yorick (the skull bone whom Hamlet address), evidenced by the label. Horrified to constat that Nelson and his comedians are insane personns, he trye to fleed buy the locked door. Ironically, the theater room was an extension to an asyleum for danserous mentally-ill individuals, constating that all the medical staff was savagely killed. Nelson manage to cut his head and for the first time of his life, Barry had a great role. His skull bone was holded by hamlet.


Many hours later, the police intervenes into the asyleum. It was supposed that this unidentified man was neutralized or killed.

Behind the Scenes[]

  • He was portrayed by Gregory Cooke.